History Values


Reiner Hager

Business lawyer (LL.B.)

Transformation is more complex than a banal change process and increasingly involves measures for staff reduction, restructuring and development in equal measure.

In addition to my own expertise, you benefit from my first-class network and the interdisciplinary cooperation with THORWART CONSULT and THORWART lawyers, tax consultants and auditors.

I am also happy to support senior executives and managing directors in their professional reorientation.

I stand for open communication, respect and appreciation in my dealings and always put people at the center of my work.


Structural change and change processes →
Basic strategic orientation →
Organizational development and process design →
Transformation, outplacement and career consulting →


Partner and consultant at THORWART Consult GmbH since July 2024.

Since January 2024 in main function: Responsibility for PE/OE of Kliniken Dr. Erler gGmbH.

Senior expert for appreciative and agile transformation support.

Almost 25 years of experience in management functions.

Experience as a freelance consultant in transfer projects and career consulting for von Rundstedt & Partner GmbH. 

Business lawyer (LL.B.), HR Business Partner (bbw), personnel developer (WFA), trainer (AEVO), consultant, trainer and coach. 

Karate grandmaster (6th DAN) with (inter)national coaching success in top-class sport and passionate talent promoter.